There are 330 pediatric intensive care specialists nationally; the hospital has 3 and has just recruited a 4th.
In some healthcare systems primary care specialists may also encounter many of these issues.
"We recently had a meeting with clinical care specialists and patients," Dr. Safford said.
If not, there are also other medications that palliative care specialists can prescribe to help with nausea.
These primary care specialists can refer patients to urology specialists if needed.
He is a board certified neurologist, psychiatrist, and neurocritical care specialist.
You'll be seeing your obstetrician, midwife, or other prenatal care specialist very regularly over the next nine months.
At the time, he was a pediatric critical care specialist in Stamford.
The critical care specialists would run this show for now.
Primary care specialists are characterized by being responsible for coordinating the care the patient receives from the entire health system.