"Just another week or two, Bull," Diana shouted after him as the stage careened away at full gallop.
From the farmhouse a hundred yards away, Salyers took aim and managed to shoot off two of Jones's fingertips as the robbers careened away in his automobile.
The vessel righted itself and careened away in the wind, Detective Walsh said.
Pain and power shot up his arm as the charges struck, careened away, and crashed smoking into stone.
The three approaching devils careened away wildly.
Back and forth on the same strip of boardwalk they travelled, until, unexpectedly, Bethany let go and Tod careened away.
You sink for a moment before bobbing back up to t-he surface, only to see the boat careening away, your family searching in vain for a glimpse of you.
The rock smashed into his right forearm and careened away.
She screamed and careened away, hobbling as Alfar lashed at Rod with the scimitar again.