The revelations end up being fairly obligatory - one man has marital trouble, another a sick spouse, a third a career crisis.
How could he not know that the man he had handpicked to succeed him was 10 feet deep in a career crisis?
We had been very close for decades and shared the major events of adult life: children's births, divorce, career crises.
Sure enough, Coach Dale is running from an earlier career crisis in a much bigger league.
The current installment finds him faced with impending fatherhood and something of a career crisis.
During the last few years, we've heard a lot about mid-life crisis, career crisis and marriage crisis.
His career crisis coincides with a job opportunity for Amy in Connecticut.
A brief affair with his new superior does not alleviate his career crisis.
A century ago, American women for the first time had the luxury of career crises, of worrying whether they wanted to choose work or home.
I escaped without hearing further of Mildred's career crisis.