She is divided on the choice of whether to go on with her family's inn-running business, or to find herself a different form of career fulfillment.
Thank God For Monday (8:30 a.m.), a program dedicated to workplace satisfaction and career fulfillment, hosted by Seton Hall alumnus Brother Greg Cellini.
However, the stress should not be exaggerated to the point of suggesting that we are left with a choice between families and career fulfillment.
"This is my area of expertise," she said, explaining the career fulfillment her return provides.
It may be something about attitude creating reality or maybe America's love-hate relationship with career fulfillment.
Schlafly believes that motherhood is the best job option for women seeking career fulfillment, and that "it is ludicrous to suggest that [other jobs] are more self-fulfilling than the daily duties of a wife and mother in the home".
Elway, who went through a tumultuous near-decade as the starting quarterback with head coach Dan Reeves in Denver before finally finding career fulfillment with two Super Bowl titles at the end of his run, understands what a quarterback needs - and does not need - as a support system from a front office.