Gonzalez went the distance with Jones, but lost a unanimous decision for his first career setback.
It all caused me severe emotional stress and a career setback.
For most politicians, this would be considered a serious career setback.
It was to be his only real career setback, and it didn't last long.
The biggest missing ingredient, though, is a reason to care much personally about Wong's career setbacks.
She works hard to gain recognition as a reporter but faces a career setback due to a stroke of bad luck.
After a string of career setbacks, he began to doubt his abilities on the big stage.
In the first of what would be many drug-related career setbacks, Drew missed 38 games during the 1983 season while attending drug rehab.
In 1998 he suffered his first major career setback.
A series of events - a career setback, some acute medical problems, perhaps creeping disappointment - made him sign into a nursing home.