My brother continued to live his carefree existence.
It tips off the audience that some development in the plot is going to interrupt Antonio's carefree existence.
He later came to believe that colonizing space would lead to the perfection of the human race, with immortality and a carefree existence.
But, it had been a laughing, carefree existence which left everyone free to go his or her way.
For most of the time they enjoyed a happy and carefree existence.
"People want a carefree existence during the summer months."
Lock work is by no means a carefree existence.
As it was, Gildor had prestige, status, and a carefree, pampered existence.
She offers passion and good times, but such a carefree existence allows little thought for the future.
The contrast between Dysart's carefree existence and his own would have been too much to bear.