He has a carefree personality, considered by most to be a complete idiot with no common sense and lacks magical skills.
Mingchao has a kind, carefree personality, yet can show outstanding courage when her friends are in danger.
A young girl with a light, carefree personality who stays over at Shoushinji, the location of the training camp.
The Knicks, who do not play again until Saturday, have until then to change part of their carefree personality.
Each members of the crew respect him in their own way despite his carefree personality.
They want to have a more colorful and carefree personality, but enjoy a similar level of success.
The carefree personality that characterized the 2004 championship team has been transferred in some ways to the Mets.
She is often surprised by Amira's carefree and spontaneous personality.
He has a friendly, carefree personality and is a heavy smoker.
Though she exhibits a carefree personality, she actually despises herself for lacking courage.