Mr. Graver carefully and honestly chronicles the 30 years that Levin spent living in heated obsession over the "Diary of Anne Frank," an obsession that began in 1952, when Levin's stage adaptation of the diary was rejected by a Broadway producer, and ended only with the author's death in 1981.
The Softwire Series carefully chronicles the downward spiral of the children as their hopelessness deepens under the cruel treatment of the Orbisians; their sadness and loss of their innocence is seen through JT's eyes.
More information: plans of fortified settlements, numbers of troops and armaments, troop movements carefully chronicled, supplies, ships... I looked up, startled.
Despite carefully chronicling a long history of oppression, the last volume ends on an optimistic note, said Florence Howe, who recently retired as director of the publishing house.
Carl's wife, Anne carefully chronicled the ordeal and used it as the basis for her book "The Wall Between", published in 1958.
Manheim, whose ambitions are much more modest, is both fascinated and disgusted by the figure of Sammy Glick, and Manheim carefully chronicles his rise.
And while the area still shows evidence of breath taking incineration, there are now literally hundreds of research plots, where scientists are carefully chronicling the amazing process, known as recolonization, under which nature is springing back to life.
Footnotes abound, for Ms. Paglia is carefully chronicling the life and times of her most fascinating subject, playing Boswell to her Johnson, helping us to see why "I'm enough for myself.