The results, which were of a purely technical nature, have been embodied in a carefully compiled memoir.
She'd had enough practice by now that she could interpret the general meaning without recourse to her carefully compiled databases and dictionaries.
The list was carefully compiled over time, so that accounts do not overlap.
My uncle's carefully compiled record began with the building of the structure in 1763, and followed the theme with an unusual amount of detail.
"The list, though," Solomon said, "it was carefully compiled?"
The long white hands were fingering these carefully compiled records with care.
This was a carefully compiled selection of current American English as published during the year 1961 in 1000 sources on a wide variety of subjects.
Dossiers were carefully compiled and endlessly annotated; no field man was permitted to closely approach a previous target date covered by himself.
However, we must not let ourselves be talked into simply disregarding our carefully compiled accession criteria for that reason.
The Committee on Human Genetics, as we call it for short, has carefully compiled the necessary information and the spectrum of appraisals.