The excellent collection of African art that the French artist Arman has amassed and carefully culled during the last 40 years is one of the season's best exhibitions.
Little is known of his life, early or late, and his pictures (37 in the Wadsworth show, carefully culled from a total of perhaps 170) are the sole evidence of his preoccupations.
While the documents were valuable, they had been carefully culled and included nothing from the headquarters of the Military Industrialization Corporation or the relevant archives of the Ministry of Defense.
It contains songs carefully culled from 5 live concerts recorded over a 9 year period.
ProPublica later responded to his article, countering those claims and saying quote, "using carefully culled quotations and selected statistics, Kopel asserts 'indisputably false facts' in ProPublica's reporting."
He had carefully culled out those willing to fight for their freedom, separating them from the captives too fearful to risk harm.
Crew members were about, but Zanigew had carefully culled them from the lot that he had captured with the Unaga.
A focus group is a handful of people, carefully culled to reflect diverse viewpoints, chosen to help politicians or companies figure out how to sell a policy or a product.
Using carefully culled voter lists, it is already well into a get-out-the vote drive via pamphlets, door-to-door reminders and a ubiquitous television ad campaign tailored for five regions of the state.
Instead he had to tell one interviewer about a past call, carefully culled from the record, that Christianity must be recognized as the moral foundation for American society.