I deliberated carefully before deciding to make this payment this year.
Even though he was playing amateurs, Mr. Matros deliberated carefully with every hand, mulling whether to raise, call or fold.
She also says that Rani should carefully deliberate on whom she loves more.
Dr. Ramsey, for example, deliberated carefully before making the shift, worrying at first that such unorthodox ideas might jeopardize his reputation.
But there is remarkably little, in contemporary Singapore, that is not the result of deliberate and no doubt carefully deliberated social policy.
The Gouldens deliberated carefully about future plans for their sons' education, but they expected their daughters to marry young and avoid paid work.
The White House seems to have reacted before deliberating carefully on an issue that begs for deft handling.
He said he thought Mr. Bush's decision was "carefully deliberated and cautiously made."
But if the Council has its way in a budgetary sense, we in this Parliament will have to carefully deliberate about the programme.
"The members have a right to carefully deliberate," Mr. Manley said.