Indeed, the bird life is so abundant in some parts that the islands' government issues a map carefully detailing areas for pilots of small planes to avoid.
Talaban took up his pen and opened the log, carefully detailing the day's work.
Drummond carefully detailed his movements from the moment he and Eberle parted at the beer hall until he was attacked in his room.
The vehicles have been carefully detailed with historical accuracy.
Bestuzhev was known for carefully detailing the views of other historians whilst carefully withholding his own opinions.
The decorated samian was illustrated by means of rubbings, but the descriptions are carefully detailed with full references and dates clearly derived from Knorr and Déchelette.
The general and particular results of our study will be found explained and carefully detailed in the supplementary part of the volume.
Likewise also externalized all lived in Beas, in time rescued, carefully detailing the years of childhood.
Instead, he spends the time carefully detailing events that make the change understandable to us, the readers.