The Cassinese Benedictines, for instance, at first carefully differentiated between conversi, commissi and oblati; the nature of the vows and the forms of the habits were in each case specifically distinct.
It represents the peak of Anglo-Saxon rural organisation, a carefully differentiated but far from rigid series of social groups, well developed before the Norman 'feudal' additions to it.
The best - including "Unbelievable Oppression," "Three Women Dancing," "Whimsey" and "Woman With Chili String" - are populated by swaying, wafting figures whose animation is very much a matter of the artist's glowing, subtly mixed colors and carefully differentiated paint textures.
However, SSSS must be differentiated carefully from toxic epidermal necrolysis, which carries a poor prognosis.
Lessons are differentiated and carefully planned to cater for the needs of all pupils.
Union for the sake of childbearing was, of course, carefully differentiated from the social functions of marriage and was arranged on purely eugenic principles.
AML must be carefully differentiated from "preleukemic" conditions such as myelodysplastic or myeloproliferative syndromes, which are treated differently.
Kisaeng attached to a local government office were known as gwan-gi, and their status was carefully differentiated from that of the common slaves also attached to the office.
Apart from the basic composition, two other aspects of Dürer's Christ Disputing among the Doctors find echos in Bosch's Christ Crowned with Thorns - the carefully differentiated faces of the people around Christ and the choreographed interplay of their hands.
The progression toward openness reaches its climax in "The Written Sea," of 1952, in which the images of ocean, boats and islands are still legible but reduced to a series of carefully differentiated lines and dot-like strokes.