I was wearing my most innocent face, carefully saved for just such emergencies.
She had carefully saved her dinner scraps for them.
If you hadn't stolen most of my carefully saved 'life,' we wouldn't be in this desperate position.
Clayton, for lack of any better occupation, had carefully saved the skin of every animal they had killed.
After some prodding, we learn that each has carefully saved spare parts and fasteners from previous production runs and doesn't want to give them up.
He brought them many of Spago's recipes, which he had carefully saved.
I had carefully saved two trunkloads of comic books.
She daintily accepted the morsels that Menolly had carefully saved from her supper.
(The money he so carefully saved and invested over the years made him ineligible for Medicaid.)
The ashes, carefully saved from the burned fallows and converted into potash, was the first source of revenue.