TDMA systems must carefully synchronize the transmission times of all the users to ensure that they are received in the correct time slot and do not cause interference.
Central to his work now, too, is a collaboration with several fashion insiders like Alek Betak, a French fashion-show producer, who sat in the audience at Mr. Chalayan's show in February, calling the carefully synchronized exits and entrances of models.
The idea of the comedy is more amusing than the results, despite the carefully synchronized acting as directed by Gloria Muzio.
The network keeps track of the different information by keeping material from different sources in carefully synchronized time-slots on the line.
During their revels, they tossed oranges back and forth, often in carefully synchronized rhythmic patterns.
With American and allied troops outnumbered on the ground - and unlikely ever to achieve the 3-to-1 advantage military analysts say is needed to win a pure ground war - a strategic aerial bombardment carried out in a carefully synchronized series of destructive raids remains the most effective military option.
They are trained to carry out carefully synchronized operations and seek to inflict a form of terror on their foe, which is multiplied by the element of surprise when it can be preserved.
Like many of the parents, Ms. Rodriguez and her husband, Henry, both work, and they carefully synchronize their employment routines to the rhythms of education.
To ease American fears that the North Koreans just want to take Western aid money and run, and to alleviate North Korean fears that Washington's interest in helping North Korea will evaporate as soon as the North relinquishes its nuclear potential, the accord lays out a carefully synchronized series of steps.
But that was just the first step in what was intended to be a carefully synchronized armored advance.