He picked up the receiver and carefully unscrewed the ear - and mouth pieces, peering inside.
If in doubt, carefully unscrew the cover plate from a wall outlet or ceiling fixture.
Carefully unscrewing the cap of the whisky bottle with trembling fingers, he brought the neck to his lips.
His hand found the canteen lid, and he began to carefully unscrew it from the flask.
He brought the bucket over to where Jermayan was carefully unscrewing the top of the barrel and dipped it full, then carried it to Shalkan.
The second technician shuffled round in the confined space and carefully unscrewed the panel and swung it open.
The hands rested the bomb upon the table and carefully unscrewed the top.
Someone has come in and carefully unscrewed them from the walls.
When she'd gone Vimes carefully unscrewed the end of the tube and pulled out a roll of very thin paper.
With both hands, she carefully unscrewed the wingnut on a metal brace, swung it back, and lifted a small radio from the compartment.