But my poem LOOKED so dignified that a careless reader might fancy there was something in it.
A careless reader may never notice inconsistencies in various parts of a work, and a casual reader may forgive them.
The careful reader will, note that its various accessories are ridiculously associated, and only the most careless reader will accept the oesophagus as a bird.
It is an unfortunate sentence, for it could mislead a hasty or careless reader for a moment.
The lovely thing about being a very fast, very careless reader is, you can read long books and then in a few years you can read them again.
Mr. Kahler, I fear, is either a careless reader, a careless writer or both.
She is a careless and uncomprehending reader, often simply parroting what she has read.
There are some official statistics, but they are not very informative in themselves, and positively misleading to the careless reader.
Indeed, the careless reader might not register the paragraph's thematic significance at all, except unconsciously.
Pronouns must have antecedents that can be instantly recognized, even by the careless reader.