Routing all cargo destined for the northeast through this corridor causes significant transportation delays and cost overheads.
Empire Addison was carrying general cargo, destined for the Persian Gulf.
He must see fortunes in cargo, even cargo once destined for Andrewes' store.
Belgian Sailor was carrying general cargo and lorries, destined for Southend.
She was carrying a cargo of lumber and steel, destined for either Southampton or Swansea.
The core domain binds to the membrane and to cargo destined for internalisation.
That junk, as you call it, is a top-priority cargo destined for a highly classified test program.
Everything would be explained by a letter accompanying a cargo destined for Antioch.
She was carrying general cargo destined for New York, United States.
But by the early 19th century, these has grown into docks where cargo destined for the factories and foundries of England were loaded.