The presence of the chemical bottles, oxygen generators, was discovered by safety board workers in Atlanta who studied the cargo manifests.
I've asked stats to analyze the cargo manifests we got earlier, but I wanted you all to think about it.
"And if anyone has secured a passenger roster and cargo manifest, I shall require it for you."
As soon as we know the name of the ships and can read the cargo manifests, we'll draw up the protest.
We're tied into the embassy computer, and it in turn is monitoring the spaceport's cargo manifests.
"Can you access cargo manifests from the spaceport's shipping docks?"
By the way, for the cargo manifests, we need to know what's in the containers.
Numerous ships were queried and boarded to verify their cargo manifests.
A typical search involves checking the crew and cargo manifests against those filed with the ports.
All day, since finding herself back at Melilot's, she had thought of nothing but cargo manifests and market prices and percentages!