Many devout believers see any effort to catalog sexual behavior as akin to publishing a field guide to carnal sin, an invitation to deviancy.
He first lets out a significant prayer, including in his last words a series of lamentations about his carnal sins.
He felt as guilty as a teenager getting an erection in the confessional as he recounted his carnal sin to the priest.
A related turn of phrase identifies certain sins as "carnal" sins, from Latin caro, carnis, meaning "flesh."
"Not the carnal sin, but the pledge behind it, the pledge I made without words and which I cannot redeem."
And this is understood if thereafter she should marry another against her father's will or commit carnal sin.
What could they be here for, except to exchange those vows of carnal sin at which only a jeweler can officiate?
It is a carnal sin and could prove fatal.
Not many carnal sins were possible, of course, but there's plenty of envy, spite, malice, and self-pity.
And what Christian in a society so worldly and cruel as that of Wyvern, would pick out the carnal sins for special reprobation?