The definitive hosts are carnivorous predators - dogs, wolves, foxes, lions.
Other than man, carnivorous predators of adult deer have long been hunted to extinction in Britain.
Pure predators, carnivorous like the great cats, have different gestural signs.
This species is a carnivorous predator on fish.
Most of the native higher fauna are scaly predators, carnivorous or omnivorous.
In the long-term I'm not convinced it's ethical to conserve any carnivorous predator, human or nonhuman.
In short, this was a carnivorous predator.
"Correct me if I'm wrong," Montague said, "but wasn't the plesiosaur a carnivorous predator?"
A researcher at the University of Oxford in Britain has found some carnivorous predators that can pick and choose nutrients.
While largely carnivorous, and apex predators; new studies indicate Neanderthals had cooked vegetables in their diet.