You'll feel like a pasha lounging amid the fat pillows on a carpeted platform surrounded by twinkle-lit hedges.
The room's walls are lined with shelves and the upper level is a carpeted platform where Mr. Wollens's daughter, Haley, can scatter her toys about.
His installation, "A Seagull Suddenly Submerges," juxtaposes a picture of a beach at low tide with a carpeted platform that combines various contrasting textures.
On a whim, Allen goes into a peep show and sees, through the open partition, four women, almost naked, seated on a carpeted platform.
The examining table itself was a low carpeted platform less than a foot from the ground.
In the ladies' drawing room there is a carpeted platform with little blue velvet chairs for embroidering and chatting.
The walk-in storage room has two-tiered stacks to accommodate photographs and small paintings as well as a carpeted platform.
Vendela sat atop a pink carpeted platform in a sleeveless dress.
This is the small carpeted platform that invites the viewer to get a closer look at the text - and the electric cable that connects it to the plate.
He clapped his hands-- --and they were all standing on a small carpeted platform high atop a mountain peak.