The carriage rocked violently, the Baron screamed, and Roger stared helplessly.
After an especially violent fight in 1824 (so fierce that their carriage rocked on its springs), she fled to a convent and asked for a separation.
The carriage rocked as Philip climbed inside.
The carriage rocked beneath him, while injured pride settled like bitter ashes in the carriage.
A half an hour later Jarrod's carriage rocked to a halt in front of his newly acquired house.
The carriage rocked through the streets and delivered her to the backstage entrance of the theater.
The carriage rocked to a standstill in front of the flat little house and Rhett handed her out.
After her carriage rocked to a dusty halt, a soldier reached up and opened the door.
The carriage swayed and rocked under his weight.
She was thrown against me as the carriage rocked into its turn and headed for the village.