Here is a replica of the lunar vehicle that carried astronauts across the moon's surface at a speed of 10 miles an hour.
The policy also includes converting some military missiles to launch satellites and developing unmanned vehicles that can be modified later to carry astronauts.
Atlas rockets carried American astronauts into orbit in the Mercury program.
It will carry astronauts in a capsule on top and start test launching in six years.
The exploration vehicle is to be a modular design, able to carry astronauts to the space station as well as the Moon.
The new vehicle more closely resembles the capsule that will eventually carry astronauts into space.
His final and most successful rocket was the Saturn V, which carried astronauts to the moon.
The Soviet space shuttle, which was triumphantly unveiled two years ago, has yet to carry astronauts into space.
In contrast, the first three programs to carry astronauts - Mercury, Gemini and Apollo - took only 11 years combined.
Space Shuttles were used to carry astronauts and cargo into space.