Originally this sheath, holding a weapon too long to be carried at a man's belt, must have been worn high on the back.
Each carried a sword and stout cudgel at his belt.
Cunomar carried a handful of pebbles in a pouch at his belt for exactly this reason.
Almost concealed by twigs, was the horn handle of the big knife Boss usually carried at his belt.
The man carried a horn-handled knife at his belt - and then didn't.
Captain Stone could see that the man, besides being empty-handed, carried no gun at his belt.
Aillas now took note that Torqual carried a knife at his belt.
Using the little knife he generally carried at his belt, excavating the thing took Sorokin no more than a minute or two.
He wore his gun tied down, and carried a Bowie knife at his belt.
Carrying it at his belt was not enough; from time to time he simply had to handle it.