You can carry dozens of seismic sensors to Venus -hundreds!
He already carried dozens of scars as tattoos of surviving violence.
The fuel for them had to be carried dozens of miles up the mountain trails in ten-liter plastic bottles.
We carry dozens of people, sometimes hundreds, around with us in our heads.
A giant wave arose, carrying dozens of the zombies, and crashed aboard the roof.
One float, for example, sponsored by a realty company, carried dozens of people dressed in traditional Indian costume.
He was carrying dozens of samples of his new luggage collection, and you might say it stopped traffic.
The vehicle had been carrying dozens of passengers who disembarked before the rocket attack.
Military hovercraft had to be used to carry dozens of firetrucks and other apparatus to the island.
In Japan, some large bookstores carry dozens of books about "atopy," as the condition is called here.