Then she turned and walked out, the slop pail carried effortlessly in one huge hand.
Kaytok stepped from the gloom, a large chunk of circuit board carried effortlessly under his right arm.
Having made his implicit threat, Julian continued, his voice rising fiercely and carrying effortlessly on the still air of the grassy plains.
Though her sound was not enormous, she knew how to project her voice so that it carried effortlessly in the opera house.
Between 7 and 8 p.m., Rabbi Goodman's schoolmaster's voice effortlessly carried its narrative across the room.
His voice was golden, too, a melodious baritone that carried effortlessly down to our open floater.
His calm, gruff voice carried effortlessly across the arena.
Her voice carried across the chamber effortlessly.
They effortlessly carried a young woman between them.
A kzinti voice, not a human, carrying effortlessly across the monkey clamor.