But, according to one investigator, the man's words carried international import: "My roommates are going to follow up on Jerusalem."
An unseen power structure lay out there - people who seldom appeared in public, decision makers whose slightest whim carried terrible import for countless worlds.
The music served merely as a background accessory, created no major stars and carried little import.
Everything I say is supposed to carry truth or tragic import, or insight or something.
The words carried sinister import, thought Jantiff.
The gist of their remarks was proof that The Shadow's message carried import.
In addition to its challenge, The Shadow's laugh carried other import.
That gathering will carry just as much, if not more, import than anything that can possibly unfold on the field at Three Rivers Stadium tomorrow night.
Republicans defended their decision, saying that the impeachment of Mr. Clinton carried such import they could not justify withholding even one word of the report.
Therefore, T assume the name "Lens Larque" to be an alias which carries symbolic import.