The area was rich in industry, and the railroad's traffic included raw materials, finished goods and coal carried inland from the ports.
Trees were hurled into the air or carried inland like stalks of celery.
Wind and waves carried tons inland.
We beached the gig and carried a line inland to make fast to a low-growing tree.
But mostly it is not calm weather; for days on end there have been gales when everything is covered with ice from the spray carried inland.
David heard an authoritative voice carry inland from the water.
Local people also expressed concern over the health risks posed by the oil-dispersing sprays, which were being carried inland by the wind.
Our story is that we were on a ship upon the sea-driven very far, carried inland by the waters that swept the world.
Such a wave as it is said carried the ship of my people inland.
Parts were so steep and rough that natives were recruited to carry supplies inland.