He was carrying medication for a medical condition at the time, and was never tried on drug charges, the officials said.
Ensure that you carry sufficient medication to account for delays to your travel.
Bajoran and Cardassian medical workers examined the sick, carrying pads, studying readouts, administering pain medication.
A small container to carry medication.
-he would carry spare medication on his person at all times.
At present, no desensitization treatments are available, so avoidance is the only advice offered, alongside carrying an epi-pen and anti-histamine/anti-inflammatory medication.
Visitors should be particularly careful about carrying medication into Uzbekistan.
I've never had to do this before, but from now on, I'll be needing to carry medication in syringes whenever I travel.
Visitors should carry a well-stocked first-aid kit and personal medication as there is no pharmacy on the island.
In a side pocket of his pack he also carries medication, Dilantin.