The end-year flexibility arrangements were lost after the coalition Government decided that money could not be carried forward on a year-to-year basis.
Now the line from Omaha to Sacramento was carrying passengers and freight on a regular basis.
Out of that 64 I carry 6 on a regular basis.
Work is also being carried out (on a wider than county basis) on transferring information regarding charities onto computer-based storage media.
It was carried on most cable television systems throughout the Oregon either on a part-time or full-time basis as well as on the Internet.
They were carried on a regional basis until the "Elite Eight," at which point all games were shown nationally.
Therefore, they were able to carry only limited weapons on a man-pack basis.
Safeway and other large chains have periodically carried the products on a regional basis.
Any item that the shop does not carry on a regular basis can be ordered.
Unlike Sicamous and Moyie, Portland never carried passengers on a regular basis, but was built as a towboat.