The enormous sums of money these men have at their control enable them to carry on an effective campaign.
"You can't carry on a totally continuous campaign," he said.
Do you suppose he has to carry on a campaign of propaganda to get his people into fighting spirit?
Any Democrat has to prove that he will carry on an unrelenting and smart campaign against terrorism.
There he continued to carry on a campaign of resistance against the settlers until he was eventually recaptured by local militia.
During the past year, elements within your industry have carried on an aggressive campaign to protect this provision.
During the 1914-18 war he worked with immense energy as chairman of the recruiting committee, resigning this post to carry on a campaign for conscription.
Despite its shortage of resources, Solidarity managed to carry on an electoral campaign.
Under these unsettled circumstances, it was difficult for any authority to carry on a campaign of oppression against the Sikhs.
If anyone wants to carry on a smear campaign against nuclear waste, they are welcome to do so.