The network's promise has already attracted competition: Money Radio, based in Anaheim, Calif., is carried on 11 stations.
The Met broadcasts are carried on more than 350 stations in 42 countries, reaching 11 million people, the Met says.
Both Oprah Winfrey, the ratings leader in this type of programming, and Phil Donahue are each carried on about 200 stations.
It's not carried on as many stations as the talk version, but stations in larger cities tend to opt for this version of the show.
The show is carried on 530 stations.
It was carried on 100 stations nationwide.
Air America says its programming is carried on 92 stations nationwide and reaches 2.4 million listeners a week.
By the spring of 1985 the original series was still carried on 74 local stations.
The Friday night radio program he worked on until his death was carried on 55 stations across the country, Mr. Napier said.
The show was eventually carried on 73 stations.