For six years, the Administration has been almost entirely unsuccessful in carrying out its agenda on conservative social issues.
There is little doubt that in carrying out its agenda, the Salwa Judum has government support.
Wickremasinghe was seen as a co-operative opposition leader who gave the government a chance to carry out its agenda in its early days.
They've kept us at the bargaining table under false pretenses while they've carried out their own hidden agenda.
Creationists and climate change deniers are nearly identical in the way they carry out their anti-science agenda.
In time, the Omegas reprogrammed themselves and carried out their own deadly agenda.
Beyond that, the teams were given little guidance on how to carry out the show's ideological agenda.
And now he has the votes to carry out his agenda.
Unfunded mandates have long been a sore point with mayors and governors, who say the cost of carrying out Washington's agenda denies them flexibility.
As chief of staff, she will direct the governor's staff and be responsible for carrying out his agenda.