He carried out major renovations and spent most of his reign residing in these buildings.
When the Michies moved in five years ago, they had to carry out extensive renovations.
They carried out renovations on the building in 1951.
The 6th Earl of Northumberland carried out renovations in the 16th century.
As the college purchased the houses, it has carried out extensive renovations.
However, it was not until 1963 that a band of volunteers began to carry out renovations at their own expense.
This group carried out renovations and also focused on teaching English as a foreign language.
In 2009, the church was given a grant of $30,000 from the State Government, for carrying out much-needed renovations.
In the past, Muslim authorities have carried out renovations of their own at the mosque compound.
Some hotels are taking advantage of the situation to carry out long-planned renovations.