Next there were trials of a short take off and landing, carried out in groups until 17 August 1932.
He carried out the restoration work single-handedly, without any help from local authorities, until his death in 1967.
The 55th carried out operations in Iraq until January 2009.
He would not be ready to carry out his attack until the 17 December.
He carried out this task for twenty years until 1755, when the lighthouse burnt down.
He carried out this service until his death in 1503.
Projects to add a third storey were entertained, but not carried out until the second half of the 19th century.
"I will continue to carry out my responsibilities until such time as the highest court of this land tells me otherwise."
But the three most senior members said they would continue carrying out their duties until a new transitional government is formed.
Despite many proposals, India did not carry out further nuclear tests until 1998.