The APC, carrying paratroopers inside, caught fire.
Calling a military aircraft a "cargo plane" is incorrect, because military transport planes also carry paratroopers and other soldiers.
The plane, which was originally built primarily for cargo missions, can be adapted easily to carry passengers or paratroopers or for medical use.
The transport aircraft were divided into four groups, two of which carried paratroopers while the other two towed gliders.
Consequently on May 20, 1941 500 German transport aircraft carrying paratroopers and 74 DFS 230 gliders took off from the Greek mainland.
It could carry either 120 troops, 96 fully loaded paratroopers or 64 standard parachute loads.
Due to limited pressurization in the main cargo compartment (24.6 kPa, 3.57 psi), it seldom carries paratroopers.
This was the first time they had been used to carry paratroopers.
Hidden by the noise of the attacking jets, three Aérospatiale Super Frelons, carrying Israeli paratroopers, made their way west towards their target.
Carried airborne paratroopers and performed airborne assault missions over Sicily and Italy as part of the invasion forces.