The first official squad vehicle purchased was a '51 Chevrolet truck with a utility bed made to carry patients.
In her new role, Hopestill carried patients for the hospital and stood by to transport emergency cases from ships in the harbor.
They were designed to carry patients up from the operating theatres on the first floor and had to stop without even the slightest shudder.
She then carried patients and passengers to California.
Because elevators were inoperable, members of the staff were carrying patients up the stairs.
Kommandøren was generally used as an express route ship, often carrying patients on their way to treatment.
In a steady stream, firefighters carried patients from the building.
They can provide first aid, emergency care, various medicines and life support gear, and carry patients to hospital.
Thinking help was imminent, they carried patients in wheelchairs to an exit and then waited - one day for 12 hours before giving up.
These vehicles cannot carry patients, however they carry much of the same equipment as the Sprinters, and are able to get to scenes relatively quickly.