Land runoff can carry pollutants, such as petroleum, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Since the lake is not fed by a stream that could carry pollutants from nearby farms and factories, the water is very clean.
Rainwater draining from urban and agricultural land also carries pollutants into the Sound and factories discharge large amounts of waste that end up there as well.
These surfaces make it easier for stormwater to carry pollutants into the surrounding soil.
The resulting surface runoff water carrying pollutants may be considered a line source discharging into a river or stream.
The lake receives water from rivers that carry industrial pollutants from factories upstream.
Tailwater can carry pollutants such as silt, nutrients (from fertilizers), and pesticides.
Storm water runoff from a 14-acre paved area would carry pollutants into the water, opponents of the plan charge.
Water that does return to the river does so in for form of irrigation return flows, which carry pesticides, fertilizer and other pollutants.