The Witte Leeuw wreck, part of a convoy carrying spices and Ming porcelain.
The ship had been carrying timber and spices from Ujanka port down the Chain archipelago.
She struck a bargain for passage to Stevanien with a pleasant-enough middle-aged merchant from Senzio carrying Barbadian spices for the luxury trade.
In Brooklyn, Sahadi, 187-89 Atlantic Avenue, (718) 624-4550, carries Indian spices.
Josephus described the procession as attended by relatives, soldiers from across the ancient world dressed for war and hundreds of attendants carrying spices.
Millions of cubic meters of freshwater attracted camels caravans carrying spices and herbs traveling between Arabia, Mesopotamia, and Syria.
Al-Sultanah carried ivory, Persian rugs, spices, coffee and dates, as well as lavish gifts for President Martin Van Buren.
She left, carrying spices in her rolled-up windbreaker.
The Company had its own army, and a fleet of sailing ships with cannon ('East Indiamen') that carried tea, cotton, spices and other goods to Britain.
Muslim merchants carried spices by caravan across deserts of Arabia to Mediterranean markets.