From there, smaller barges carried provisions up the Tamesis estuary to the base that straddled the river.
The ideal tee shot carries to the base of a hill, just to the right of the center of the fairway.
He eventually learned that his quickness carried him to the base too soon, forcing him to stand and wait for the throw.
He had to get him out and carry him back to the base.
Gultec gestured to the east as Mixtal realized that he had been carried to the base of the pyramid.
He heard the other man's leg bone crack, and heard him let out a scream that must have carried across the water to the base.
The groups lifted their murals and carried them to the base of the hill, where a few of the children surveyed the finished products.
An inhuman leap carried it across the rubble-strewn floor to the base of the wall.
As proposed, it would carry visitors over a mile-long vertical rise of 2,000 feet to the base of the statue in about 5 minutes.
They carried rocks to the base of the pyramid.