One simply can carry it together with the passport.
The car is capable of carrying only the driver together with a suitcase-like object stored in the engine compartment.
They carry full details of the sponsorship scheme on the packaging together with information about International Dolphin Watch.
This prisoner was carrying these in his pocket, together with a ticket to Mexico.
It carried just 10 passengers, together with two pilots and a stewardess.
She was carrying 400 hussars to join the rebels in Ireland, together with weapons and supplies.
He went back to Thun carrying treasures, many elephants and camels together with their baggage.
Lion carried some soldiers from the 23rd Regiment of Foot, which she landed, together with 15 of her crew.
Some vessels managed to carry as many as 500 people together with 500 tons of cargo.
Two more women they carried away, together with three children.