Victor carried spare sealed units, but nothing that would fit on this tub.
Now, however, the burden of carrying occupied units is bearing down so heavily on some sponsors that they are unable to meet maintenance obligations to the co-ops.
On hand carried units, a hand crank spins gears to turn the disk.
As sponsors consider the costs of carrying unsold units for a year or more, the price incentives in the area are blossoming.
Both of us carried electronic units that could activate the tape in either direction so it wasn't necessary to have someone in the office all the time.
The law is needed, she added, because some shareholders were getting hurt by being forced to carry empty units.
For hand/backpack carried units, PPM sample rates are typically limited to less than one sample per second.
Also leaving Pusan for the front were 71 personnel trains carrying military units and replacements.
Nondimensionalization is not the same as converting extensive quantities in an equation to intensive quantities, since the latter procedure results in variables that still carry units.
Tabors usually followed the armies and carried all the necessary supplies and rear units, such as field kitchens, armourers or shoemakers.