The officers wear sidearms, carry walkie-talkies and have handcuffs.
The car had been left by three men wearing dark glasses and carrying walkie-talkies.
Hotels here are swarming with security agents carrying walkie-talkies.
Men wearing fatigues and carrying walkie-talkies keep a distant but steady eye on visitors.
Seven pairs of students wearing orange vests and carrying walkie-talkies also walk regular beats.
Milling about are people in shorts and T-shirts carrying walkie-talkies - members of a film crew.
While waiting to check in, we noticed a curious phenomenon: everyone, staff members and guests alike, seemed to be carrying walkie-talkies.
Visitors are escorted to their destinations by employees carrying walkie-talkies.
Plainclothes security officers carrying walkie-talkies carefully followed people who did not blend in, even following them into shops.
The 40 men who make it up are neighborhood residents who carry walkie-talkies and are told to call 911 if trouble arises.