Several manufacturers of firearms produced rifles and loaded ammunition for the cartridge type, however significant differences and veriations existed between manufacturers.
Cartridge World cleans, fills and services a variety of cartridge types.
Pendemonium: Ink Facts (Reviews on inks and list of cartridge type used by different fountain pens)
A further advantage of the Wildey's gas operated system is that it allows for the reliable operation of heavy and light loads for each cartridge type.
Both player can use same cartridge type when choosing same character.
Each weapon is listed with its cartridge type appended.
Some cartridge types have additional letters or information about them listed.
Two of me uncles have got one stacking system without the put in a cassette or a cartridge type allowed six.
Generally, every characteristic of a specific cartridge type is tightly controlled and few types are interchangeable in any way.
This cartridge type was discontinued in 1993, and replaced with the 5.7x28mm SS190, which used a heavier and slightly shorter projectile weighing 2.0 g (31 grains).