"The case revolves around the body shop," said a senior police official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The case revolved around title to fourteen slaves who were in Antigua, and involved a number of technical points as to colonial law.
The case revolved around a student at university being allowed to wear the Hijab in class.
The cases always revolve around a physical object which is supposedly related in some manner to American history.
The case revolved around the subject of copyright infringement and exclusive rights in copyrighted works.
The Democratic case against the president revolves around the rising national debt and a severe hiring slump.
This case revolves around a testator who apparently made several wills.
The case, Mr. Myers said, will revolve not around what was done but on who ordered it.
The case revolved around the constitutionality of Virginia's cross burning statute.
The case revolved around $206 million Amcor raised from 3,000 investors seeking tax shelters.