Each case spans several chapters, and is resolved at the end where characters explain the details of their solutions in simple terms; A database consisting of all the cases from the manga was launched in 2007.
While the short octave seems primarily to have been an economy measure, it does have the advantage that the player's left hand can in certain cases span a greater number of notes.
Results and discussion Results showed that all three cases spanned a morphologic spectrum ranging from columnar cell hyperplasia to ductal carcinoma in situ .
Nonetheless, these historians acknowledged, cases of disgraced individuals and corporations using lavish gifts or good deeds to launder soiled reputations spanned a broad array of circumstances.
The cases span the dozen years during which awareness of the issue has grown and matured.
The case spanned more than 30 years and takes its name from the day one of the claimed communicators, Mary Catherine Lyttleton, died: Palm Sunday.
The cases span nine years and 23 states.
Each case spanned several episodes and cliffhangers were quite often used, but it was not until the end of the second series that a cliffhanger was employed to tie off the series.
The case of Kalinka Bamberski has spanned 30 years and has caused considerable publicity because of the issues of French-German relations and vigilante justice it raised.
The cases conducted by the PCA span a wide range of legal issues, including disputes over territorial and maritime boundaries, sovereignty, human rights, international investment (investor-state arbitrations), and matters concerning international and regional trade.