There is an increased risk of childhood leukemia as demonstrated in a Chinese case-controlled study, and the risk increases with length of treatment.
The results of a population-based case-controlled study suggest that symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux is a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma.
Dramatic evidence exists from a case-controlled study to support the use of ('early and aggressive') hydration along with forced alkaline/osmotic diuresis (mannitol) for the treatment of ATN secondary to traumatic rhabdomyolysis [ 7].
Several epidemiological and case-controlled studies found diabetics using metformin may have lower cancer risk in comparison to those using other antidiabetic medications.
The three case-controlled studies reported that the risk of endometrial cancer in estrogen users was about 4.5 to ]3.9 times greater than in nonusers.
Between the extremes of the case report and the random trial are more complicated designs, like the case-controlled study and case cohorts.
However, recent case-controlled studies have found no specific clinical symptoms in individuals with biopsies showing MMF, and there is no evidence that aluminium-containing vaccines are a serious health risk or justify changes to immunization practice.
A case-controlled study of red-cell membrane essential fatty acids (EFA) and a placebo-controlled treatment study with high dose of EFA.
These observations are consistent with and extend the findings of 21 previously reported case-controlled studies from thirteen countries which demonstrate the significantly increased prevalence of A*03 in persons with hemochromatosis [ 16 ] .
Jeziorski E, Senechal B, Molina TJ, et al.: Herpes-virus infection in patients with Langerhans cell histiocytosis: a case-controlled sero-epidemiological study, and in situ analysis.