The value of GMG's investment and cash fund fell 24% to £197m last year.
The cash fund was used by the Rigas family for myriad purposes, including meeting margin calls on its stock accounts.
In the past, Chrysler executives stressed that the cash fund was intended to cushion the company in the next economic downturn.
The article stated that Mitchell was one of the men who controlled a secret cash fund from which the Watergate burglars were paid.
Likewise, some claim to provide to winners free airline tickets or other benefits, such as submissions in future years or cash funds.
But it still has a cash fund of nearly £800m.
Enhanced cash funds were developed due to low spreads in traditional cash equivalents.
Other social institutions present include the mahiber, iqqub, and the sebeka-gubae; the last two also provides cash funds to needy members.
Even the corporation's office and petty cash fund did not escape the auditors' scrutiny.
The winner of the show received a £100,000 cash fund rather than a record contract with an emphasis on giving the acts control over their careers.