The game includes eight contestants (or, in a later daytime version, six) who each answer trivia questions and compete for a single cash jackpot.
The winning team could collect a cash jackpot by completing one last word chain.
If the team could finish the chain before running out of letters the civilian won the cash jackpot.
If the cash jackpot was in the chest marked with the same number, the home viewer won the jackpot.
Those who correctly guess a three digit combination wins a share of the cash jackpot.
Later, an accumulating cash jackpot was added as a seventh prize, which began at $50,000 and increased by $1,000 each day it went unclaimed.
However, the cash jackpot was not offered as a stand-alone prize.
If all three questions were answered correctly, the contestant won an accumulating cash jackpot.
Each champion has $50,000 placed in their cash jackpot if they chose to return after their first night.
Each correct answer was worth $100, and if all ten words were found before time expired the contestant won a cash jackpot which began at $5,000.